

 Bahauddin Naqshbandi The basis of spiritual values is first of all the famous saints of Bukhara Sharif, Khoja Abdukholiq Gijduvani, Khoja Arif Revgari, Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fagnavi, Khoja Ali Romitani (Khojai Azizon), Khoja Muhammad Boboyi Samosi, Sayyid Amir Kulol as-Sukhori, Hazrat Khoja Muhammad Bahauddin Naqshband constitutes the honest way of life and their heritage, and these saints have come to realize the rich spiritual and moral values embodied in the experience and wisdom of the people. These achievements of the great saints not only meet the requirements of today, but also directly stimulate the processes of development of the perfect man and humanity in society. Thus, the views of Eastern mystics are the source of knowledge about the man, the meaning of his life and his place in the world, which is necessary for the upbringing of a harmoniously developed generation today. To study and the promotion of good moral qualities of Bahauddin Naqshbandi’s work on the formation of th

Amir Kulal

 Haj Sayyid Amir Kulal Haj Sayyid Amir Kulal was born in 1287 in the village of Sukhor near Bukhara (now Kagan district of Bukhara region). He was engaged in pottery, and he was considered a patron of all potters in Central Asia. Kulal (“potter”) is one of the spiritual authorities and the sheikh of the Sufi school Hadzhagana. Sheikh Sayyid Amir Kulal in accordance with the tradition of Hadzhagana had 4 deputies and 114 followers. In his youth, Amir Kulal was fond of wrestling and spent time in competitions. At that time,the famous Sheikh Muhammad BabaiSammasi noticed him. Amir Kulal became his murid, and later he became the fourth deputy. ShaykhBabaySammashi entrusted to Amir Kulalthe upbringing of his “spiritual son” BahaaddinNaqshband.

Babai samosi

  Khoja Mohammed Babai Samosi  Khoja Mohammed Babai Samosi - a representative of the Khodjagon-Nakhshbandia order, the fifth of the 7 feasts of Bukhari (13th century). He studied with Khoja Ali Romitani and after his death led the Khojagan Order. When Bahauddin Naqshband was born, he adopted him as a spiritual child and gave birth to Sayyid Mir Kulol. He made his living gardening. Buried in his native village. The mausoleum of the mountain, the mosque surrounding it and the stone well were repaired for the first time in Uzbekistan. Although it is known that he was born in the village of Sammos in Romitan, it is not known what year they were born. He died at Sammos, 755 AH - 1354 CE. Hazrat Muhammad Baba Sammasi (r.a.) was a man whose face radiated light. His eyes were impressive and his emotions strong. He sincerely served His Highness Khoja Ali Romitani until the end of his life. Hazrat Mohammad Baba Sammosi (r.a.) took care of the trees in his garden and worked hard. He found many of


 Khwaja Ali Ramitani al-Azizan He was born in the village of Ramitan, near Bukhara in Uzbekisatan. From a young age, he was an avid student of the knowledge of the Divine Law, the Traditions and the Quran. By the time he met Khwaja Mahmud Ingir al-Fagnevi, from whom he was given the Naqshbandi spiritual secret, he was a reference for anyone seeking religious or legal direction. He was a weaver of carpets by trade and would give away more than half of his earnings to the poor. As recorded by Mawlana Abdul Rahman Jami in his famous book entitled ‘Nafahat al-Uns’ (Breaths of Divine Intimacy), Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi referred to Khwaja Ali as ‘Khwaja Nassaj’ (the Weaver) in his poem:- ‘If there is anyone whose knowledge of the spiritual stater is beyond description in words, he must surely be Khwaja Nassaj (the Weaver), the servant of the people of high rank of Bukhara!’

Anjir Fagnaviy

 Hajj Mahmud Anjir-fagnaviy  Hajj Mahmud Anjir-fagnaviy was the successor of the Sufi spiritual tradition. He was a disciple (murid) and a follower of the Sufi Hadji Arifaar-Rivgar. He knew the craft of a carpenter and devoted his whole life to work and knowledge of Divine truth. Haji Mahmud Anjir-Fagnawiywelcomed two types of spiritual ritual in his mystic-ascetic practice. There were khufi, which is quiet (or secret) dhikr of communion with Allah and dzhakhriya, which is collective and loud one. He was the first who introduced the public dhikr in accordance with the needs of the time and the demands of seekers. When the sheikh was asked about these innovations, he replied: “Let the sleepers wake up.” Hajj Mahmud Anjir-fagnaviy was the spiritual mentor of the famous Sufi mystic Hajj Ali Ramitani, who had a large number of murids and followers. Hajj Mahmud Anjir-fagnaviy died in 1286 (or in 1307) and was buried in his native village. At present, this village is calledAnjirbog. Moreover

Khwaja Muhammad Arif Riwgari 

 The 5th day of our practice days we went to the mausoleum of Khwaja Muhammad Arif Riwgari Khwaja Muhammad Arif Riwgari is the first of the group of Central Asian Sufi teachers known simply as Khwajagan (the Masters) of the Naqshbandi order. His shrine is at Riwgar, or now is known as Shofirkon, about 45 km North of Bukhara, in today's Uzbekistan, born in Riwgar, today called Safirkon, forty-five kilometers north of Bukhara. He studied the supervision of the master of his time, Abdul Khaliq Ghajadwani. Arif Riwgari wrote a treatise on Tasawwuf, called “Ārif Nāma”, and one of its manuscripts is located in the library of Khāniqāh Mūsā Zaī , district Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. At the end of his times, Arif Riwgari appointed Mahmūd Anjīr-Faghnawī as his deputy and all his companions associated themselves with Mahmūd Faghnawī after his demise. Arif Riwgari died on 1st Shawwāl 616 AH (December 1219 CE). He was buried in his hometown Riwgar (Shafirkon, Bukhara, Uzbekistan), where his nob

Abdul Khaliq Ghijduvani

 The 4th day of our practice days we went to the mausoleum of Ghijduwani . It is proper adab to visit the eldest first, so the first of these Naqshbandi saints to visit was Hazrat ‘Abdul Khaliq al-GHudjwani (r.a.). His shrine is beautifully restored and has a busy flow of wedding parties, locals paying their respects, and people making pilgrimage from further afield. There is a mosque nearby and a madrassa, restored but unused. Helping us with the August heat, we were blessed with a cooling breeze and a shaded bench from which to offer our salams and sit in muraqabah. Hazrat ‘Abdul Khaliq (r.a.) was born to an Anatolian princess, a descendant of Imam Malik, and Shaykh ‘Abdul Jamil, (r.a.), one of the most famous scholars of Byzantine times. He was a master of silent dhikr and the first in the silsila to use it. He studied the traditional Islamic sciences throughout his childhood, then jihad an-nafs (the spiritual struggle) under Shaikh Yusuf al-Hamadani (r.a.). He established a school

Modarikhan Madrasah

 Today we went to the one of the beautiful historical building in the Bukhara which is called Modarikhan Madrasah. Now I'm going to share information about it. Historians highly appreciate Abdullah Khan's efforts to improve the territory. With it, thanks to the strengthening of the central authority, large-scale construction work was carried out. Abdulla Khan built more than 1000 buildings and fountains, many madrassas, mosques, bridges, reservoirs. In Bukhara, an extensive trade center was established.       So in the western part of the historical part of Bukhara is Kosh Madrasah. It is an architectural ensemble consisting of two madrasahs: MedressaModari Khan and Medrese Abdullah Khan.    Madrasas built in the XVI century are opposite to one another.      Madari Khan was first built in 1566 - 1567. Modari Khan is translated as "Khan's mother", since this madrasah was built by the Uzbek Khan Abdullah Khan II in honor of his mother.       The main facade of the M

Ulugbekh madrasah

 Today we went to the one of the famous historical building in Bukhara which is called Ulugbekh madrasah. Now I am going to share information about it. The madrasah was built in 1417 by Ismail Isfagani and Najmeddin Bukhari, the best architects of the time. The structure shows harmonious proportions and forms of its elements; it has little decoration and yet looks impressive and even majestic. It is a rectangular building with a large portal and a courtyard. It features an entrance corridor splitting and leading in two directions: to the mosque and darskhona classroom. This was against the common design of madrasah corridors, which led right into the yard. The gate of the madrasah has a carved inscription taken from the Koran: ‘The pursuit of knowledge is the responsibility of every Muslim man and woman’. This citation can be considered to have been Ulugbek’s motto. There was also another inscription:‘May the door of God’s blessings be every day open to the people who are aware of book

Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah

 Hello🙂 my name is Oydina. Today we went to the one of the beautiful historical building which was called Abdulazizkhan madrasa. Now I am going to share information about it. Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah, which stands across from it, is an integral part of Bukhara’s most outstanding architectural ensemble. Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah marks the remarkable progress of medieval Central Asian architecture; it shows us how amazingly high the skills of Central Asian architects, builders and artists were at the time. Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah is often compared with Ulugh-Beg Madrasah, since they are a duet of completely different structures of different times. Ulugh-Beg Madrasah, built during the reign of the Timurid dynasty, is moderate in size and decoration, while its counterpart is grand and ornate. The pishtaq portal of the madrasah is amazingly high and splendidly decorated. The iwan gateway has many facets and ornamental stalactites. While the iwan of Ulugh-Beg Madrasah is plain and has inscribe

First day of practice

 Hello everyone.🤗 My name is Oydina. Today I want to share my feelings and experiences with you. We went to the one of the famous historical monuments in Bukhara is Chor Bakr.  Five kilometers away to the west from Bukhara, where the fields are separated by rows of mulberry trees, there is one of the most unusual landmarks – the Chor-Bakr Necropolis, also called the city of the dead. The first graves there appeared thousand years ago, when there was a small settlement of dervishes. But the magnificent architectural ensemble, now visited by thousands of pilgrims was not built until the XVI century. In the X century when Bukhara was under the Samanid dynasty, there lived an old family of Djuybar Seyyids (Prophet Muhammad’s descendants), who played an important role in the city’s life. For centuries the Djuybars were buried in this country cemetery. Chor-Bakr is really an unusual and mysterious place. Visiting Chor-Bakr you could not help but feel the breath of the world of the dead, whe

First month of our practice days💕

 Hello everyone 😊  My name is Oydina. I'm studying at Pedagogical institute of Bukhara state university. Now, I'm going to share my experiences and thoughts about our  first month of practice days at school. We went to school number 29 on September in order to practice and enrich our knowledge. This school related to learn math very well. School is beautiful and well built. I like atmosphere of school. Pupils of school are very clever and active. They have good ability on learning english. Even one of the seventh  grade of pupil has IELTS 7 band. It is so amazing 😮 Furthermore, Teachers are also high educated. They always try to make a lessons more interesting and understandable for everyone. During the lessons they use games, interesting activities to understand theme.  My teacher is Bořltayeva Umida. She is positive and clever woman. She teaches me her teaching methods. Besides of that, during the lessons she used laptop and other digital devices. I think modern teacher sh